正大管理学院 学术讲座

正大管理学院 2017 学年第一期学术报告 Seminar 2017 (1st )

正大管理学院中国研究生中心、暹罗智库特邀请了台湾艺术大学前校长、美国工业技术协 会杰出教授、美国传记研究所 2010 年台湾年度人物谢顒丞教授举行一场题为文化资产保护传 承与其文创发展的学术讲座。

地点/ Location

 正大管理学院学术楼 16 楼 学术报告厅/ 16F Auditorium, CP ALL Academy

时间/ Date/Time

2017 1 19 日上午 10:00-12:00

语言/ Language:  中文

主讲人/ Speaker谢顒丞 博士 ( Dr. Yung-Cheng Hsieh )

讲座题目/ Topic文化资产保护传承与其文创发展

Cultural Preservation, Inheritance and Development in the Cultural and Creative Industry


讲座摘要/Abstract: 博大精深的文化内容是人类文明发展的重要象征,但在全球化的时代下,商业化、都市化主导着 人们的生活,传统文化资产逐渐式微,人们逐渐忘记文化的根本,因此我们应该藉由当今时代科 技的优势,将文化资产予以保护传承,并进一步并与文创产业结合,突破创新。

With the rapid advance of digital technology, digitalization of cultural assets through digital archival efforts has become quite commonplace. The principal objective of any digital archival effort is to ensure that cultural resources through digitalization could be well protected and communicated. In addition, the broadest horizon of practical applications of digital archiving can be made thereby enhancing the transmission of knowledge and sustainable preservation of our culture heritages. In this presentation, Dr. Hsieh will address how to best utilize the digital content of cultural heritage elements for developing the cultural creative industry.