Panypiwat Institute of Management
工商管理哲学博士论文答辩公告(杨璐)Announcement of Ph.D. in Business Administration Dissertation Defense
姓名/Name:杨璐 MS. LU YANG
Title: A Research on the Leadership Evaluation System of Middle-Level Cadres of Higher
Educational Institutes in China
主导师/Chief Adviser: 汤之敏 Dr. Zhimin Tang
时间/Date: 2016年6月9号 时间/Time: 16:00
地点/Location:3-0306 休息室/Waiting Room: 3-0311
答辩委员会成员/Dissertation Committee:
徐志坚 教授(南京大学),答辩委员会主席 Prof. Dr. Zhijian Xu (Nanjing University), chair
汤之敏 教授,主导师 Prof. Dr. Zhimin Tang, chief adviser
徐二明 教授,委员 Prof. Dr. Erming Xu, committee member
陈奡 博士,委员 Dr. Ao Chen, committee member
秦军锋 博士,博士生副导师 Dr. Junfeng Qin, vice adviser
This research put forward middle-level cadres of colleges and universities in China leadership evaluation model through qualitative researching, it is concluded that university middle-level cadre leadership assessment system should include five kinds of capability: charisma and influence, the command of language, execution and innovation. Each ability includes three dimensions, respectively. On the basis of this model, this study further the leadership assessment system of quantitative research. Through their own inventory, questionnaires, using the method of quantitative research, the reliability and validity of scale test. After revising and perfecting the scale based on the conclusion of quantitative analysis, we can use the scale to carry out evaluation of middle-level cadres of colleges and universities leadership, and form the guidance of university middle-level cadre selection and leadership development, so as to improve the cadre of leadership ability and level
备注/Note: 答辩现场对在读博士研究生和老师开放。Faculty, lecture and doctoral students are welcome to observe.